What is the difference between peasants and farmers?

In your own perspective, answers should be discreet.


  1. Farmers are persons who own or manage a farm. Peasants are someone whom the farmers pay for growing crops and other agricultural works. Basically,a farmer denotes a person who works on agricultural land and owns a farmland. He is a person who owns lifestock, especially on a farm. A peasant, on the other hand, means an agricultural labourer who is specifically poor and occupies the lower rank of the social hierarchy. He rents a small piece of land and grows crops, he doesn't own the land.

    1. This is the assignment by Alina Debbarma, sociology department.

  2. 1. A peasant, for majority of the cases, reflects an agricultural labourer who is specifically poor and occupies the lower rung of social hierarchy. They do work on others land for rent. A farmer on the other hand denotes a man who works on agricultural land and/or owns a farmland. The term farmer does not denote the person's economy or social position.

    2. The peasant is the person who got only labour as a production factor. They are ultimately falling into the lower level of the social hierarchy. However, the farmer can be placed in different hierarchies of the society (eg: upper, middle or lower classes) and becoming a farmer is based on the accessibility of production factors such as land, capital and entrepreneurship.

    3. Foundation of the peasantry is based on inaccessibility of production factors such as land, capital and entrepreneurship.
    Farmers can be found in any hierarchy of society according to the scale of assets they got. Even though the farmer is in any hierarchy, he is more independent than peasant and a risk-taker (entrepreneur) as well whilst peasant is not like that. Difference between the peasant and farmer is mainly based on the mode of production. In the early stages of the world, farmers were mainly identified through land ownership. However, it’s being converted into accessibility for capital and entrepreneurship.

  3. What is the difference between peasant and farmer?

    Ans. A farmer (also called an agriculturer) is a person engaged in agriculture, raising living organisms for food or raw material. A person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock, especially on a farm. And farmers takes taxes, customs, excise, or other duties, to collect for a certain rate percent.
    A peasant is a pre-industrial agricultural laborer or a farmer with limited land-ownership, especially one living in the Middle Ages under feudalism and paying rent, tax, fees, or services to a landlord. Peasant are poor smallholder or agricultural labourer of low social status.

  4. A peasant is a workers who works under big landlords of lowly social class which toils on the land.They are mostly workers in industries and agricultural labourer.On the other hand, farmer is a people who owns their own farmland and keep livestock.

  5. What is the difference between peasants and farmers?
    Ans: Both farmers and peasants are refer to those who are dependent in primary sector for livelihood.Generally, it is define as same but there are some differences between them. The dissimilarities are given below:

    1. Peasants are landless, poor, agricultural labourers of low social status. On the other hand, farmers are those who own farmland or agricultural land. Farmers are not regarded as poor nor rank as low as peasants in social hierarchy.
    2. Peasants mainly cultivate their crops in other's land as tenants, sharecroppers, farmhands etc and get little amount of crops for their hard work. Beside, farmers are the lord of the field they own and cultivate crops on their own land.
    3. Peasants are paying rents and taxes to the landowners for cultivating the crops. After the toil of works they could produce only for the family consumption because the surplus produce in cultivation are use for paying taxes and rents and couldn't gain any profit from cultivation so they are poor and refer as countryman. On the other side , farmers didn't need to pay taxes and rents as they works or cultivate on their own land and keep Livestocks on their farm.

    1. Hirabati Debbarma
      B.A sociology (Hons),2nd semester

  6. The difference between peasants and farmers :-
    i)Peasants are those who work as farm labourers under big landlords or farmers to earn their living.
    Farmers are those who manages or work in their own lands for their livelihood.
    ii)Peasants do not have or own any land.
    Farmers have their own lands.
    iii)Peasants serve under a landlord and farm the land inorder to fulfill their duty.
    Farmers do not work under anyone instead they make others work on their land.
    iv)Peasants pay taxes or rent to his lord for their land.
    Farmers do not need to pay such taxes.

  7. A peasant are agriculture labourer who is specially poor and occupies the lower rang in social class Constituted by small farmer and tenants. On the other hand farmer are denotes a
    man who works on agricultural land or owns a farmland.The terms farmer have does not denote any economy or social position.

  8. Farmer is a person who keeps the livestock especially on a farm.while a peasant is a member from the lower class who works on the lands owned by the farmers.A peasant is an agricultural worker who is poor and occupies the lower ranks of social hierchy.A farmer is not a social position it is a profession.A farmer is a real person who owns a farm.A peasant is a social position in a feudal system.They obey their lord and must farm to fulfill their duty.

    Submitted by:Arman Ali
    2nd semester

  9. Peasant means an agricultural labourer who is specifically poor and occupies the lower rank of social hierarchy. Peasant is the person who got only labour as a production factor. Peasant is a member of the lowly social class which toils on the land, constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecroppers, farmhands and other laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture and horticulture.

    A farmer on the other hand denotes a man who works on agricultural land and/or owns a farmland. The term farmer does not denote the person's economy or social position. The farmer plays important role in economy of country.farmer is a person who works the land or who keeps livestock, especially on a farm.A person who works the land or who keeps livestock, especially on a farm.

  10. A peasant is a social position much like serf in a feudal system they serve under a lord and most farm the land in order to fullfill their duty
    Farmer is not a social position it is a professin . A farmer is free person who owns a real farm
    Peasant is a person who lives in the country and works on the land as a small holder or a labourer
    While farmer is one who cultivates a farm whether as tenant or owner one who farms lands or makes agriculture as his occupation
    Farmer is a person who works on the land or keeps livestock especially on a farm
    While peasant is a member of the lowly social class which toils on the land.

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  12. A person who owns,works on ,or operates an agricultural enterprise,either commercially or to sustain himself or his family are known as farmers.
    Farmers do not work under anyone,they make others work on their lands.

    Peasants are the member of a class of low social status that depends on either cottage industry or agricultural labour as a means of subsistence.
    They cultivate their crops in others lands as sharecroppers ,tenants,etc.

  13. Farmers is the one who has agricultural land form from which he earns his livelihood through cultivation. Some Farmers raise a variety of food crops ,fruits,etc. While others raise cattle .
    Peasant is the lower social class who cultivate the crops on the other land. They constituted by small farmers and tenants, sharecoppers, farmhands and other laborers on the land where they form the main labor force in agriculture and horticulture.


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