Significance of Kinship

The Significance / Importance of Kinship The people relationship system based on mating and reprodu…

Degree of Kinship

Degree of Kinship Any relationship between two individuals is based on the degree of closeness or d…

Geographical distributions of Tribe

Geographical Distributions of Tribe The tribes of India are dispersed widely over geographical terr…

Features of Tribe

FEATURES / CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRIBE The chief characteristics / features of a tribe are the fol…

Tribe: Meaning and Definition

Meaning of Tribe The term “tribe” originated around the time of the Greek city-states and the earl…

Tribes in India

TRIBES IN INDIA  The word ‘Tribe,’ according to sociology, means “A unit of sociopolitical organiza…

Basic Terms and Concepts: Kinship, Lineage, Clan, Moiety and Phratry and Incest Taboo

Basic Terms and Concepts Kinship: Kinship is a method of acknowledging a relationship. It is a soci…

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