Model Question Booklet for TDP (General)/TDP (Honours)

6th Semester Exam.


(Soft Study Course) 

101. “Nationalism, Democracy, Livelihood” is related to

[A] Chinese Revolution

[B] French Revolution

[C] Russian Revolution

[D] Glorious Revolution

Answer is [A]

102. “No taxation without representation” is related to

[A] American Revolution

[B] French Revolution

[C] Russian Revolution

[D] Glorious Revolution

Answer is [A]

103. Who is the author of the book, ‘Principles of Political Obligation’?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] T. H. Green

[C] H. J. Laski

[D] John Rawls

Answer is [B]

104. Who is the author of the book, ‘Theory of Justice’?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] T. H. Green

[C] H. J. Laski

[D] John Rawls

Answer is [D]

105. Who is the author of the book, ‘Grammar of Politics’?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] T. H. Green

[C] H. J. Laski

[D] John Rawls

Answer is [C]

106. Who is the author of the book, ‘On Liberty’?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] T. H. Green

[C] H. J. Laski

[D] John Rawls

Answer is [A]

107. The principle of majority presupposes as an essentialcondition, the principle of

[A] Liberty

[B] Fraternity

[C] Equality

[D] Tolerance

Answer is [C]

108. Who among the following is a contractualist?

[A] John Rawls

[B] Robert Nozick

[C] Charles Taylor

[D] Michel Oakeshott

Answer is [A]

109. Who among the following is a Libertarian?

[A] John Rawls

[B] Robert Nozick

[C] Charles Taylor

[D] Michel Oakeshott

Answer is [B]

110. Who among the following is a Communitarian?

[A] John Rawls

[B] Robert Nozick

[C] Charles Taylor

[D] Michel Oakeshott

Answer is [C]

111. Robert Nozick bases his theory of Justice on

[A] Desire

[B] Need

[C] Entitlement

[D] Merit

Answer is [C]

112. Who expressed the view that “equality is unnatural and undesirable”?

[A] Plato

[B] Aristotle

[C] Hobbes

[D] Hegel

Answer is [B]

113. One of the foremost exponents of the negative view of Liberty in the 20th century is

[A] Isaiah Berlen

[B] C. B. Macpherson

[C] John Rawls

[D] Charles Taylor

Answer is [A]

114. In which one of the following schools of thought, is law antithetical to liberty?

[A] Isaiah Berlen

[B] C.B. Macpherson

[C] John Rawls

[D] Charles Taylor

Answer is [D]

115. Who is the author of the “Law of the Constitution”?

[A] A.V. Dicey

[B] Heyman Finer

[C] R.G. Gettel

[D] F.W. Willoughby

Answer is [A]

116. Violation of the ‘Rule of Law’ arises mostly from

[A] Limited franchise

[B] Delegated legislation

[C] Lack of checks and balances

[D] Executive’s quasi judicial powers

Answer is [C]

117. Rights are those external conditions which are needed for the internal development of the individual’- is the essence of the

[A] Idealist theory of Rights

[B] Legal theory of Rights

[C] Historical theory of Rights

[D] Fascist Theory

Answer is [A]

118. ‘Liberty is not meaningful unless it is incorporated in a system of rights recognized by the state’. This view was propounded by

[A] J. Bentham

[B] T. H. Green

[C] John Locke

[D] Herbert Spencer

Answer is [B]

119. Who said ‘Liberty gives way to corruption’?

[A] T. Jefferson

[B] Niccolo Machiavelli

[C] J.J. Rousseau

[D] Auguste Comte

Answer is [C]

120. Barker’s view of justice is the synthesis of

[A] Liberty and equality

[B] Liberty, equality and fraternity

[C] Equality and fraternity

[D] Liberty and fraternity

Answer is [A]

121. Who among the following denied the existence of rights before the development of society?

[A] Hobbes

[B] J. Locke

[C] J. Rousseau

[D] T. H. Green

Answer is [A]

122. Who thinks that without liberty man cannot attain rational and moral perfection and be an ideal human being?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] Machiavelli

[C] Hitler

[D] Mussolini

Answer is [A]

123. According to the classical liberals

[A] Democracy and liberty are complementary to each other

[B] Democracy is a threat to liberty

[C] Liberty is the end of democracy

[D] Liberty is the right to self realization

Answer is [D]

124. Who considered justice as a virtue of soul?

[A] Aristotle

[B] Kelson

[C] Nozick

[D] Plato

Answer is [D]

125. Who considered justice as individual rights?

[A] Aristotle

[B] Kelson

[C] Nozick

[D] Plato

Answer is [C]

126. Who considered justice as an irrational notion?

[A] Aristotle

[B] Kelson

[C] Nozick

[D] Plato

Answer is [B]

127. Who considered justice as proportionate equality?

[A] Aristotle

[B] Kelson

[C] Nozick

[D] Plato

Answer is [A]

128. Which one of the following documents first declared that ‘men are created equal’?

[A] Magna Carta

[B] Declaration of Rights of Man 1789

[C] Declaration of Independence 1776

[D] Constitution of India 1950

Answer is [B]

129. Unlike subject hood, citizenship rests on

[A] Patriotism

[B] Obedience

[C] Duties

[D] Rule of Law

Answer is [D]

130. The statement “Right, in fact are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek, in general to be himself at his best” was made by

[A] T.H Green

[B] H.J. Laski

[C] Rousseau

[D] Marx

Answer is [B]

131. Which one of the following is a central attribute of Plato’s notion of Justice?

[A] Equality

[B] Liberty

[C] Fraternity

[D] Harmony

Answer is [D]

132. Which one of the following concepts distinguishes citizenship from subject hood?

[A] Patriotism

[B] Obedience

[C] Duties

[D] Rights

Answer is [D]

133. From which one of the following perspectives, has the notion of human rights been criticized?

[A] Universalism

[B] Cultural identity

[C] Secularism

[D] Individualism

Answer is [B]

134. The kind of equality that the rule of law enshrines, is

[A] Substantive

[B] Procedural

[C] Distributive

[D] Patterned

Answer is [B]

135. According to Hobbes, man may resist the sovereign if the later fails to provide him

[A] Welfare

[B] Security

[C] Equality

[D] Justice

Answer is [B]

136. ‘Human consciousness postulates liberty, liberty involves rights, rights demand the state’-who has made this statement?

[A] Laski

[B] Barker

[C] Green

[D] Hegel

Answer is [B]

137. ‘The highest moral law is that we should unremittingly work for the good of mankind’- who said?

[A] J. S. Mill

[B] Mahatma Gandhi

[C] Sri Aurobindo

[D] Mussolini

Answer is [B]

138. For Gandhiji, Swaraj meant

[A] Self rule

[B] Rule of law

[C] Rule of morally good person

[D] Pursuit of good of all

Answer is [D]

139. Concept of negative liberty emphasizes on

[A] Freedom of choice

[B] Absence of interference

[C] Autonomy

[D] Self direction

Answer is [B]

140. Which one of the following types of equality is not compatible with the liberal notion of equality?

[A] Legal equality

[B] Political equality

[C] Social equality

[D] Economic equality

Answer is [D]

141. A growing infringement on liberty of citizens emanates from which one of the following?

[A] A centralized bureaucratic state

[B] Coalition governments

[C] Devolution of power

[D] Affirmative action

Answer is [A]

142. Which one of the following principles is denoted by the Dicey’s rule of law?

[A] Equality before law and rule by law

[B] Rule by law and law alone and due process of law

[C] Equality before law and administrative law

[D] Rule by law; equality before law and due process of law

Answer is [D]

143. Which one of the following statements on feminism is not correct?

[A] Liberal feminism stands for equal rights and opportunities in public and political life

[B] Socialist feminism highlights link between female subordination and the capitalist mode of production

[C] Radical feminism proclaims that the ‘personal is political and political is personal’

[D] Post- feminism maintains that family be abolished

Answer is [D]

144. Pluralist theory of sovereignty believes in

[A] Distribution of sovereign power

[B] Concentration of sovereign power

[C] Both concentration and distribution of sovereign power

[D] Unlimited sovereign power

Answer is [A]

145. The concept that ‘rights are the creations of the state’ is held by

[A] Theory of Natural Rights

[B] Legal theory of rights

[C] Social Welfare theory of rights

[D] Historical theory of rights

Answer is [B]

146. The concept that ‘Rights are crystallization of customs’ is held by

[A] Theory of Natural Rights

[B] Legal theory of rights

[C] Social Welfare theory of rights

[D] Historical theory of rights

Answer is [D]

147. The concept that ‘Rights are conditions of social welfare’ is held by

[A] Theory of Natural Rights

[B] Legal theory of rights

[C] Social Welfare theory of rights

[D] Historical theory of rights

Answer is [C]

148. The concept that ‘Rights belong to man by nature’ is held by

[A] Theory of Natural Rights

[B] Legal theory of rights

[C] Social Welfare theory of rights

[D] Historical theory of rights

Answer is [A]

149. The chief proponents of the theory of natural rights are

[A] John Locke and Thomas Paine

[B] Lasswell and Kaplan

[C] Hegel and Kant

[D] Durkheim and Weber

Answer is [A]

150. What is the function of "standard-setting in human rights diplomacy?

[A] Standard-setting means putting forward binding legal standards

[B] Standard-setting means merely proposing binding legal standards

[C] Standard-setting means putting forward non-binding legal standards

[D] Standard-setting means setting certain standards of conduct in human rights treaties

Answer is [C]

151. What is the legal nature of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)?

[A] The UDHR is a multilateral treaty

[B] The UDHR is a UN General Assembly resolution

[C] The UDHR is a UN Security Council resolution

[D] The UDHR is a declaration adopted by several States at an international conference

Answer is [B]

152. What is the meaning of cultural relativism?

[A] Culture relativism posits that human rights apply equally to all without restrictions

[B] Culture relativism posits that human rights have a cultural origin

[C] Cultural relativism posits that the application of human rights is relative to the laws in each nation

[D] Cultural relativism posits that local culture should validate the existence and practice of all human rights

Answer is [D]

153. What is the meaning of collective rights?

[A] Collective rights belong to distinct groups of people

[B] Collective rights are those that belong to particular groups as opposed to the individual members of the group

[C] Minority rights are collective rights

[D] Collective rights entail a right of the group as such as well as individual rights of the group's members

Answer is [B]

154. What is the meaning of justiciability?

[A] Justiciability refers to the possibility of enforcement of a particular right by the relevant rights holders

[B] Justiciability refers to the just nature or cause of a particular right

[C] Justiciability refers to the courts' assessment of whether the non-enforcement of a particular rights conforms to principles of justice

[D] Justiciability refers to the obligation of a State to enforce a particular Right

Answer is [A]

155. What is a derogation?

[A] Derogations are exemptions from particular human rights obligations contained in a treaty

[B] A derogation refers to the ability of rights holders to bring a claim against the State for breach of an obligation

[C] A State may suspend particular rights by means of a derogation in circumstances that threaten its existence

[D] Derogations are enforcement clauses in human rights treaties

Answer is [C]

156. Would a reservation to the definition of torture in the ICCPR be acceptable in contemporary practice?

[A] This is an acceptable reservation if the reserving country's legislation employs a different definition

[B] This is an unacceptable reservation because it contravenes the object and purpose of the ICCPR

[C] This is an unacceptable reservation because the definition of torture in the ICCPR is consistent with customary international law

[D] This is an acceptable reservation because under general international law States have the right to enter reservations to treaties

Answer is [B]

157. Which of the following is a treaty-based human rights mechanism?

[A] The UN Human Rights Committee

[B] The UN Human Rights Council

[C] The UN Universal Periodic Review

[D] The UN special mandates

Answer is [A]

158. Under what circumstances do human rights violations taking place outside the territory of ECHR member States fall within the remit of the ECHR?

[A] The ECHR applies outside Europe where human rights are violated by ECHR member States abroad

[B] The ECHR applies extraterritorially in circumstances where a member State exercises effective control

[C] The ECHR applies extraterritorially where a member State has contributed forces to a UN peacekeeping mission

[D] The ECHR applies extraterritorially where human rights violations are taking place in former colonies of member States

Answer is [B]

159. What is the rationale for the exhaustion of local remedies in international human rights?

[A] The local remedies rule aims to free up international tribunals to deal with the most serious cases

[B] The local remedies rule aims to dissuade applicants abusing the system from filing unnecessary petitions

[C] The local remedies rule aims on the one hand to restrict the volume of petitions to international tribunals while at the same time building up the capacity of local courts

[D] The local remedies rule helps demonstrate that national courts are always better placed than international ones to deal with cases

Answer is [C]

160. Adopting non-binding instruments with a view of providing appropriate space to States to test particular measures with a view to formal adoption sometime in the future is called

[A] Standard-setting

[B] Covenant

[C] Treaty

[D] Instrument

Answer is [A]

161. _____ concern the suspension of particular rights (but not fundamental ones such as the right to life) for a specific period of time during a public emergency that threatens the life of a nation

[A] Derogations

[B] Injunctions

[C] Abrogations

[D] Termination

Answer is [A]

162. It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its third session on 10 December 1948. It was adopted as Resolution 217 at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France

[A] The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


[C] Uniting for Peace Resolution

[D] The Charter

Answer is [A]

163. Which is the world’s first charter of human rights?

[A] The Cyrus Cylinder

[B] The Constitution of Media

[C] Bill of Rights

[D] The Magna Carta

Answer is [A]

164. In which century human rights became a central concern over the issue of slavery?

[A] 15th

[B] 17th

[C] 19th

[D] 21th

Answer is [C]

165. When was the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam adopted?

[A] 1985

[B] 1990

[C] 1995

[D] 2000

Answer is [B]

166. In which country ‘Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen’ was adopted?

[A] India

[B] France

[C] China

[D] Denmark

Answer is [B]

167. When did the first Geneva Convention take place?

[A] 1756

[B] 1864

[C] 1958

[D] 2006

Answer is [B]

168. Under whose chairmanship The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted?

[A] Eleanor Roosevelt

[B] Jawaharlal Nehru

[C] Adolf Hitler

[D] Queen Elizabeth

Answer is [A]

169. Which Article of the UDHR tells that, “Everyone has the right to a nationality” and “No one shall be arbitrary neither deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality”

[A] Article 10

[B] Article 15

[C] Article 20

[D] Article 25

Answer is [B]

170. When was the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) of India constituted?

[A] 1990

[B] 1991

[C] 1992

[D] 1993

Answer is [D]

171. As per The Children’s Rights Convention Child labour by 17 year olds

[A] Is always a violation of the rights of the child

[B] Is a violation of the rights of the child if the task is harmful

[C] Can be acceptable if the government has fixed the minimum working age to be under 17

[D] None of the above

Answer is [C]

172. According to international agreements relating to the right to water

[A] Governments are obliged to provide their citizens with clean and healthy water

[B] Governments are not allowed to discriminate against some citizens in provision of water

[C] Governments are not allowed to deny their citizens access to a water supply

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

173. The death penalty

[A] Is in general forbidden all over the world

[B] Is abolished in law or practice by more than 50% of all countries

[C] Is not allowed in the case of young people under 18

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

174. Economic and social rights

[A] Are not real human rights

[B] The immediate fulfilment of these rights for all individuals is not expected from states

[C] Can be claimed by every European individual

[D] Are not part of socialist systems

Answer is [B]

175. According to the clauses of the right to education

[A] Individuals and groups are allowed to open a school, as long as they fulfil the minimum legal conditions

[B] There are no obligations concerning the contents of educational programmes

[C] Governments are bound to provide compulsory education for all young people under 18

[D] Article 32 of the Indian Constitution provides for mainly right to education

Answer is [A]

176. The right of being recognised as a refugee

[A] Is defined for people who have a well- founded fear of being persecuted on the basis of their race, religion or political opinion and have fled their country as a result

[B] Also exists for people who have fled their country as a result of poverty or hunger

[C] Can be automatically refused by a government to all applicants who come from a country which is considered as being safe

[D] All of the above are correct

Answer is [A]

177. The freedom of religion

[A] Cannot be denied to people on the ground that they belong to a minority religion

[B] Obliges nations to recognise and subsidise religions

[C] Cannot be restricted in any way by a state

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [A]

178. The right to property

[A] Doesn’t mean that governments cannot take a possession from someone if it is in the public interest

[B] Is violated if an entire village is evacuated without due compensation in order to build a hydroelectric power station

[C] Allows a person to consider goods that they have stolen as his/her property

[D] Both [A] and [B] are correct

Answer is [D]

179. Regarding elections, which one is correct?

[A] All citizens are allowed to vote, even if they have lost their civil rights due to criminal activity

[B] Two votes for each person are allowed if the voter is an employer

[C] The balloting must be performed secretly

[D] The Indian Constitution did not provide universal adult franchise from its beginning

Answer is [C]

180. Freedom of expression

[A] May be restricted in order to protect against defamation

[B] Cannot be restricted for reasons of public morality

[C] Can be restricted to prevent religious intolerance

[D] Both [A] and [C] are right

Answer is [D]

181. The right to work

[A] Obliges states to provide jobs for all their citizens

[B] Means that no one can be fired arbitrarily

[C] Doesn’t mean a government has to make efforts to realise full employment

[D] Art 17 of the Indian Constitution provides for Right to equality of opportunity in matters of public employment

Answer is [B]

182. The right to a healthy environment

[A] Forbids states to dump toxic waste that spoils the soil irreversibly

[B] Aims at protecting human beings, animals and plants

[C] Is not yet fixed as a universal right

[D] Art 21 A provides for Right to a healthy environment

Answer is [C]

183. According to the right to education

[A] For primary school children no school fees may be charged, only the cost of school trips and school textbooks may be requested

[B] It is the obligation of the state to strive to help as many students as possible to succeed in their studies

[C] States have to give all students equal opportunities in education

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

184. Punishment of children in schools

[A] Is not allowed in the form of corporal punishment

[B] Is not forbidden if the punishment is mentally cruel

[C] May only be used if parents agree

[D] Corporal punishment is legally protected

Answer is [A]

185. At school

[A] There shouldn’t be any attention given to environmental issues

[B] Young children should be taught to respect their parents

[C] Young children should learn about human rights and experience human rights

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

186. In court

[A] Every criminal has the right to a lawyer

[B] People can only be convicted if they have made a confession

[C] The suspect has the right to an interpreter free of charge if the trial takes place in a language unknown to him/her

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

187. Torture

[A] Is allowed if used to prevent terrorist attacks

[B] Is only allowed after the decision of a judge

[C] Is never allowed

[D] The police has the right to torture criminals to prove their crimes

Answer is [C]

188. The right to life is violated if

[A] Someone dies by accident due to a police force preventing an attack on someone else’s life

[B] Someone dies due to an act of war, even if this was legal

[C] Someone dies due to unnecessary force by the police

[D] simply national emergency is declared

Answer is [C]

189. According to the international laws of the right to housing

[A] All states are obliged to ensure that nobody is homeless

[B] Foreigners should be offered the same access to social housing as the country’s citizens

[C] The state should make efforts to reduce the number of homeless people

[D] Both [B] and [C]

Answer is [D]

190. According to the right to health care

[A] Governments are not obliged to prevent labour accidents

[B] Everybody should have access to health care

[C] Medicines should be free of charge

[D] Art 21 of Indian Constitution does not cover right to health

Answer is [B]

191. According to the right to freedom of movement

[A] A person can be forbidden to choose a certain residence for reasons of public security

[B] The denial of a visa to a person who has not been convicted of a crime is a violation of human rights

[C] A criminal may be imprisoned

[D] Both [A] and [C] are correct

Answer is [D]

192. The freedom of speech and expression in India is guaranteed by the

[A] Art 19 (1) (a) of the Constitution

[B] Art 19 (1) (b) of the Constitution

[C] Art 19 (1) (c) of the Constitution

[D] Art 19 (1) (e) of the Constitution

Answer is [A]

193. Which article of the Indian Constitution provides for equality before law?

[A] Article 14

[B] Article 19

[C] Article 22

[D] Article 44

Answer is [A]

194. The ideals of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity have been taken from

[A] American Constitution

[B] French Constitution

[C] British Constitution

[D] Chinese Constitution

Answer is [B]

195. The right to Constitutional remedies under the Indian Constitution is available under

[A] Article 14

[B] Article 32

[C] Article 22

[D] Article 31

Answer is [B]

196. Indian Constitution grants

[A] Five kinds of Fundamental Rights

[B] Eleven kinds of Fundamental Rights

[C] Six kinds of Fundamental Rights

[D] Nine kinds of Fundamental Rights

Answer is [C]

197. The chairperson of State Human Rights Commission can be removed by the

[A] State Legislature

[B] Parliament of India

[C] President of India

[D] Governor of the State

Answer is [C]

198. The State Human Rights Commission submits its annual report to the

[A] Prime Minister

[B] Parliament of India

[C] President of India

[D] State Government

Answer is [D]

199. Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2019 reduces term of office of the chair person to

[A] 3 years or till 70 years of age, whichever is earlier

[B] 4 years or till 70 years of age, whichever is earlier

[C] 2 years or till 70 years of age, whichever is earlier

[D] 3 years or till 65 years of age, whichever is earlier

Answer is [A]

200. According to Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Bill, 2019, number of members of NHRC increased from

[A] Two to three

[B] Three to four

[C] Two to four

[D] Three to five

Answer is [A]

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