Culture: Significance

The significance of culture in a society Discuss below:

1. Ancestry: Our cultures help us gain valuable information about our ancestry. Cultural traditions are like pages in a history book that should be read with interest. Human beings do not live for eternity, but their cultures do. Cultures give us a gateway to study our ancestors.

2. Self-realization: When we study the roots of our cultures and follow them accordingly, we get to know ourselves much better. We can better relate to our origin and value ourselves more. It boosts our self-respect and dignity to follow our culture. It also makes us feel proud to belong to our own culture.

3. Evolutionary Enlightenment: Knowing our culture in-depth gives us a sneak peek into our evolution. Cultures have originated in ancient times when human beings started to live as a community. Thus, studying about our cultures and of the entire world’s is extremely interesting and it sure gives us some enlightenment about ancient times. This also gives us the required clarity against all our doubts.

4. Moral values: Following a culture instils moral values in us. Every culture has its share of knowledge and beliefs which make us better human beings. It makes us responsible people who can co-exist with each other in a harmonious society.

5. Discipline: Cultural traditions keep us disciplined. Every culture has certain norms and laws laid down, which if followed leads to a peaceful existence. The rules were made for a reason and should be followed rightly. Neglecting cultural traditions is not wise and should not be kept as an option.

6. Knowledge: Detailed study about every aspect of our culture can give us profound knowledge. Cultures never demand blind followers. Everything is well explained and accounted for in history. Studying about them will make us more knowledgeable.

7. Compassion: Every culture teaches us to co-exist with all the other cultures in the world. Cultural teachings always aim for peace. They teach us to live compassionately and respectfully with everyone so that peace prevails.

8. Meaning of life: Cultures teach us the real meaning of life. Every phase of our life demands different actions and our culture teaches us that. As we grow up and grow old, our culture holds our hand and directs us towards the right path.

9. Safeguard future generations: Cultural traditions were made by our experienced ancestors who wanted to pass on their valued knowledge about life to every generation of mankind henceforth, to make their survival easier.

10. Responsibility: Cultural traditions teach us to be responsible human beings. A culture-less and lawless human being is just another animal. Our culture and society make us be the responsible entities that we are.

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