Scope of Industrial Sociology


The subject matter of Industrial Sociology is the human relations originating in and developing on account of industrialization. The study of sociology pertains to social relations but sociology studies the entire gamut of social relationship from a general point of view. The scope of sociology is very wide. On the other hand, the scope of Industrial Sociology is narrow and limited. In industrial sociology we study only those social relations arising from industrialization or indirectly connected with it. Thus, the subject matter of Industrial Sociology is the social relations which are directly or indirectly involved in the process of industrialization. These relations can be classified as follows:

A. Internal Relation:

a.   Formal relations: the formal industrial relations are those which are established between individuals in an industry on account of their work and position. The formal relations exclude personal relations. The formal relations are functional and are determined by the hierarchical order in the industry.

b.  Informal relations: The personal and individualized relations among the members of management and employment are called informal relations. These relations may obtain among individuals or among groups.

c.   Mixed relations: There are certain industrial relations which are neither purely formal nor purely informal. Such relations are called mixed internal relations. Some scholars have termed these relations socio-technical and these may aptly be called socio-functional as well. These relations occur between persons connected with industry in the course of the performance of their professional duties. These relations are partly connected with the industry and are partly personal.

B. External industrial relation: A particular industry, mill or factory has besides intramural relations, relations with other industries, mills, factories, government and various social agencies. Such relations are known as external industrial relations. Each industry has many types of such relation. From government agencies an industry may seek, license, financial assistance and indents. The industries also seek to establish contact with entertainment groups or agencies. All modern management utilizes the services of these entertainment agencies in order to keep the workers in mood and pull up their morale.

The above discussion reveals the social relations which are studied by Industrial Sociology. In Industrial Sociology we make a systematic study of various industrial social relation using scientific methods and techniques.

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