Origin of Industrial Sociology

Origin of Industrial Sociology

Emile Durkheim and Max Weber in their classical styles have made some analysis of industrial institutions. The systematic research in the field has developed only in the beginning of twentieth century. It gain importance about the middle of the twentieth century. The famous experiments a the Hawthorne works in Chicago of the western electric company conducted by George Elton Mayo and his associate during the last 1920’s and in the early 1930’s provided the fillip to the emergence of industrial sociology.

Industrial sociology gained the grounds in America, various factors contributed to the development of industrial sociology in the USA. The development of cooperate industry, the achievement of the scientific management, the unemployment of the depressed 1930s, the labour legislation of the new deal (Economic policy), the rise of ‘human relations’, the manpower shortages and enforced restrictions of wartime, the great awaking of the trade unions, the continued emigration of the population from the American farm, the new technology and mechanization, the desire for a higher standard of living the occasional labour strikes involving thousands of workers, the investigation of the congress, the legislative programme of the Kennedy administration and other factors contributed to the growth of this branch in America.

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