Structural and Functional Changes

The system of family has undergone qualitative changes because of Industrialization, urbanization, migration, revolution in the field of transport and communication, increasing influence of the state and the influence of the individualization philosophy of life. The changes have been so fast in some parts of the world. With the advent of industrial civilization with modern technology the structure and functions of the family fatedly changed.

Today most of the traditional activities of the family were transferred to outside agencies; this further weakening the bonds that in the past kept the family together. There occurred a reduction in the educational, recreational, religious, and protective functions of the family which have been more or less taken over by various institutions and agencies created for that purpose.

The school, the commercial and communal, recreational facilities, church, hospitals etc. are performing many tasks earlier performed by the family. Some of the major changes in the family are discussed below.

  1. Changes in family: 

The family which was a principal unit of production has been transformed in the consumption unit. Instead of all members working together in an integrated economic enterprise, a few male members go out of the home to earn the family’s living. These affected family relations.

  1. Factory employment: 

Factory employment has freed young adults from direct dependence upon their families. This functional independence of the youngsters has weakened the authority of the head of the household over those earning members. In many cities even women too joined men in working outside the families on salary basis.

  1. Changes in social situation: 

In the changed social situation children have ceased to be economic assets and have ceased to be economic assets and have become liabilities. Children’s educational requirements have increased. They are to be supported for long time till they get into some good job.

  1. Industrialization: 

Industrialization separated the home from the work. This had made the working members to bear themselves all the burden and headache connected with their job. Their families can hardly lend support in this regard.

  1. Influence of urbanization: 

The phenomenon of urbanization has become now widespread. The studies made by Aileen Ross, M.S. Gone, Milton Singer and others have revealed that the city life is more favorable to small nuclear families than to big joint families. On the basis of the studies made, it could be said that the urban living weakens joint family pattern and strengthens nuclear family patterns.

  1. Changes in Marriage System: 

Changes in the age of marriage, freedom in mate-selection and change in the attitude towards marriage have also affected our family system parents’ role in mate-selection has diminished marriage is not very much considered a religious affair but only a social ceremony. Modern marriage does not symbolize the superior authority of the family head over other members.

  1. Legislative Measures: 

The impact of legislative measures on the family system cannot be ignored. Prohibition of early marriage and fixing the minimum age of marriage by the child marriage Restraint Act, 1929, and the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 have lengthened the period of education. The freedom of mate selection and marriage in any caste and religion without the Parent’s consent after certain age permitted through by the special Marriage Act, 1954. Other legislations such as the Widow Remarriage Act, 1856, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Hindu Succession Act, 1956 have modified interpersonal relations within the family, the composition of the family and the stability of the joint family.

  1. Other causes:

    1. Influence of western values: 

Influence of western values relating to modern science, rationalism, individualism, equality, free life, democracy, freedom of women etc. have exerted a tremendous change on the joint family system.

  1. Awareness among women: 

Increasing female education, employment opportunities for women created awareness among the women. They also sought chance of becoming “free” from the authoritarian hold of the joint family.


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