Showing posts with the label Rural Sociology

Swarnjayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

Swarnjayanthi Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) Introduction In India particularly after independence, t…

Rural Economy

Rural Economy India is known as an agricultural country, as most of the population of villages depe…

Impact of Migration: Rural-Rural

Migration Migration is, first and foremost, a normal human activity. Human beings have always moved…

Agrarian Society

Agrarian society An agrarian society (or agricultural) is a socio-economic structure where a signif…

Do you agree that rural sociology is a guide to rural reconstruction

Do you agree that rural sociology is a guide to rural reconstruction? Rural Sociology serves as a g…

Salient features of Rural Sociology in Indian context

Salient features of Rural Sociology in Indian context Rural Sociology in the Indian context is a sp…

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